
EFB | Scorpion Warriors | KOTR edit

If you don't already know, we did our own little King of the Road competition. This is what our team came up with.... enjoy!


Runnin' on Fumes EDIT

Keepin' up the hard work with the 7D edits!

Here's a productive day in Swindon with the lads!


7D Test edit

So I just got myself a Canon EOS 7D so i thought I'd have a play with the movie mode and try and remember how to edit in Adobe Premiere. This is what Icame up with after a day of messing around at Sutton Courtenay with the boys


Pick up yer teef!

Went up to Sheffield last weekend, was quite an eventful trip

BMXer knocked his teeth out
Liam's board got run over
Mike fell over
Matt and Scott had a greedy greek's pork gyros (or two)
Callum got hyped for about 2 seconds
McNab did nothing but stare at girls
.....and I threw a bottle onto my head...twice

Oh yeah, and there was a massive band in a building site?!

Here's some pictures!